All tagged philosophy

Coffee Habits, Stuffed Octopi, and Dedication: A Teenager’s Guide to Not Making Fun of Chair Yoga

Many of us, at some point, have set out to acquire a six-pack, an effortless handstand, fluency in French, an intimate knowledge of up-and-coming alternative rock bands, or some other quality that looks great in a dating-app profile.

Whatever you deem your practice - be it yoga, a musical instrument, nagging your husband about not cleaning the lint screen in the dryer, or always being that annoyingly chirpy co worker who’s always first in the office and greets everyone with “Hey Sunshine!” - that practice must become a fundamental pillar of your existence - like eating, drinking, and sleeping.

"Oh, Honey." Why I Hate Having "Stuff" So Much.

And yet, I don’t really want to tell her anything. “Oh Honey” or not, she’s definitely a lot sweeter than I am. She knows how to train 5 hours a day and then come home and do physics homework. She spends hours teaching herself how to count cards. And she doesn’t say “Fuck” when she drops a pencil. She wasn’t afraid of having “stuff.” Besides, who on earth would want a 4’11’’ kid walking around spouting unenlightened wisdom everywhere? Sounds like a bloody nightmare. She’d be fun at parties.